Ceramic World Privacy Policy

 We respect the privacy of our Users (“you, “your”). We know that you care about how personal information provided on the application is used and shared; WE TAKE YOUR PRIVACY SERIOUSLY.

 This Privacy Policy provides in a compendious manner how your data is collected and used by the Company on the app. As a visitor to the app/ Customer, you are advised to please read the Privacy Policy carefully. By visiting or using our application (as defined in the Terms of Service) in any manner, you acknowledge that you have read, are aware of, and accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, and you hereby consent that we will collect, use, and share your information in the following ways:

What Information Does The Company Collect?

 We receive and store information about you, only to the extent that is required for us to provide you with the Services via the application. As part of the registration process on the app, the Company may collect the following personally identifiable information about you: Name including first and last name, email address, mobile phone number and contact details, Demographic profile (like your age, gender, occupation, education, address etc.) and information about the pages on the app you visit/access, the number of times you access the page and any such browsing information.

 We also collect and store personal information provided by you from time to time on the app. We only collect and use such information from you that we consider necessary for achieving a seamless, efficient and safe experience, customized to your needs including:

(a) To communicate necessary account and product/service related information from time to time;
(b) To allow you to receive quality customer care services;
(c) To undertake necessary fraud and money laundering prevention checks, and comply with the highest security standards;
(d) To comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations.


We use your email address to communicate with you about your account. We won't send you any spam or other advertisements. We also will not sell your email address or share it with any third-parties. We may send you emails regarding your account or device(s).

Phone Number

The app may gather your phone number. This is usually used for verify your account using otp. It helps you identify what device on your account is using our application. We do not sell your phone number or share it with any third-parties.


The app may take pictures with your phone's camera, either on-demand (when you request it) and when certain triggers happen(like Profile Photo) hese pictures are uploaded to our servers . Pictures may be stored on your local device as well. These are never deleted by the app.


The app may take contacts from your mobile on demand (when you request it) and when certain triggers happen(like Add emergency conatct details, Add team member, Refer new user). we are using your contact just for autofill form data. we are not storing your contact anywhere on our server


Your Personal Information is maintained by us in electronic form. We shall take all necessary precautions to protect your personal information and implement reasonable security practices and measures.

No administrator in our Company will have knowledge of your password. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password, your computer and your mobile phone. Be sure to log off from the application when you have finished. We do not undertake any liability for any unauthorized use of your account and password. You shall be liable to indemnify us due to any loss suffered by us due to such unauthorized use of your account and password.

If you suspect any unauthorized use of your account, you must immediately notify us by sending an email to [email protected].

What choices do you have?

You can always opt out of our Services, or choose not to disclose information to us at any time. However, some information may be needed to register with us or to avail our services. Hence, by choosing not to provide us with the above-mentioned information, you may be unable to access our Services/use our Website at all.

You have complete access to all Personal Information uploaded by you on your account, and you can add, update, correct or delete all or any part of the Personal information at any time. However, as explained above, such deletion may result in you being unable to use all or a part of our Services, where such information is required.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes in the way we use Personal Information, we will notify you (By email, a sign-in notification, or some other means).

By continuing to use the Service after those changes become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy; if you do not agree to the change, we request you to simply not use the Service after the change is effective, in which case the change will not apply to you.

Communication with Company

  If you wish to correct or update any information you have provided, you may do so online, on the application itself. Alternatively, you may contact the Company to correct or update such information by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]

Questions or Concerns

  you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policies, please send us a detailed message at [email protected] we will try to resolve your concerns.

Rules & Law

  This Application is governed by indian law